How to Maintain Your Concrete Driveway

Mar 18, 2021

With the proper care, your concrete driveway will look great for decades

If you have hired a reputable contractor, then your concrete driveway has the proper foundation to minimize the cracks and possible damage that will occur over time. While maintenance will extend the life of the driveway, be aware that some concrete repair will be necessary as cracks develop. 

The first step if you have not had a concrete driveway installed is to find a reputable contractor who puts down a proper stone and aggregate base. This will minimize the cracking that otherwise will happen quickly with a sand or dirt base. But whether you have the driveway installed or have purchased an existing one along with the house, there are things you can do to maintain its integrity. 

Use a Concrete Sealer
Concrete surfaces are strong, but porous. This means that they let water inside. This will stain and discolor the driveway in short order. Over time, the water penetration can weaken the concrete considerably. This is where a sealer comes into play. The sealant will prevent moisture from penetrating the surface and keep your concrete looking sharp. 

Just remember to reseal the surface every so often. You can look at the instructions on the sealer that you use and watch for signs of thinning on the driveway.  

Inspect & Clean
Choose a regular time to look over your driveway and if you find any stains, clean them up right away. Even if you use a sealant, cleaning away the stains will help maintain the integrity and appearance of your driveway. A pressure hose and simple detergent or chemical dissolvent will do the job. 

Keep Heavy Vehicles Away
This means large trucks and busses should be kept off the driveway. This is because the weight they exert is heavy enough to damage the surface and perhaps crack the driveway straight through. Keep such vehicles on the street or perhaps install a driveway specifically for such vehicles if you have one. However, most concrete driveways can take a heavy weight for a short duration, such as a weekend when the parents visit in their RV. 

Use a Plastic Snow Shovel
Metal shovels can chip and damage the concrete surface. This leads to moisture penetration and discoloration. Over time, your driveway will look old beyond its years and will need a major facelift. Instead, use a plastic shovel which will remove the snow while not damaging the surface. 

Water Accumulation
If your driveway is on an incline this may not be much of an issue. However, if the driveway is flat or has an area where water can collect, then the accumulation will spell problems. You can seal the driveway, but you will need some type of drainage to keep the water from pooling on the surface. Speak to a contractor about installing proper drainage to the driveway to remove the excess moisture. 

Even the best of maintenance strategies will not avoid all instances of concrete repair. But you can rest assured that proper maintenance will keep your concrete driveway looking good and minimizing some of the more expensive repairs from occurring. 

If your driveway is in need of repair or replacement, you can count on our team at Grand Rapids Concrete Pros to do the job the right way! Give us a call for a quote now. 

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